Friday, January 31, 2025

Energy Efficiency

 What is energy efficiency???

There is a "main energy" a device is trying to create. 
For a hair dryer - it is heat and wind
Then there are other energies that are there, but are not the main job of the device. 
(Ex: the actual spinning of the fan doesn't dry your hair - the wind it creates does. The sound that you hear isn't drying your hair, that just happens "on accident"). 

When more energy goes to the main energy -- it's more efficient
When less energy goes to the main energy -- it's less efficient

Monday, January 27, 2025

Energy Transformations

Energy can transform into different types! Energy is never created or destroyed. Therefore, if something "lost energy" it just means that the energy went to a different object or into the air. Here are some energy transformations:

Practice: What device do you think this is showing?